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When Jesus read Isaiah 61 and informed His hearers that He was the fulfillment of that scripture, He identified himself as the speaker whom Isaiah was quoting.  Isaiah records the words of this speaker in chapter 61-63.

  In Isaiah 62, we find that Jesus is extremely zealous for Jerusalem as a city and for the people the city represents, comparing His emotions towards them as to a bridegroom who is excited and delighted over his bride.  Jesus proclaims that He will not keep silent, that He will not cease crying out to the Father for Jerusalem and thus all of Israel (the Jews) until their righteousness shines forth and their salvation like a blazing torch – a light to all the nations.  He is declaring that He is not only their salvation, but also their Great Intercessor.1   It is the desire of His heart that all of Israel would be saved.  We hear His heart when He wept over Jerusalem in Matt 23.

After Jesus promises He will stand in intercession for them until they have come into this great salvation, he tells them the following:  “On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; day and night they shall never be silent.  You who remind the Lord, take no rest, and give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise in the earth.”

Scripture clearly tells us that Jesus will one day soon reign over the physical earth and all nations from his throne in Jerusalem.2   This will be the day when God establishes Jerusalem as the praise of the whole earth.  This will be the day of the gladness of the heart of the Son, the Bridegroom. 3

The question that we must ask is this:  Who are the watchmen?  Who are those whom Jesus has set in place to intercede day and night – 24/7 for his return?  Is it a few individuals who feel called to pray for Israel?  Is it some gathering of overzealous ‘I LOVE ISRAEL’ groupies?  I don’t think so.  Jesus refers to this group of watchmen in the parable of the unrighteous judge and the widow who needs justice.4   Though this parable is often taught rightfully from the perspective of persistent prayer by individuals for their needs, I believe that Jesus’ primary intention of the parable was to encourage the appointed watchmen to keep praying and not give up until the fulfillment of God’s promises were seen – i.e., the salvation of Israel, the return of Jesus and the establishment of His kingdom on earth. 

So who was the parable spoken to?  He was speaking to the ‘elect who cry out to him day and night.’  Who are these elect?  Are they a special group of disciples; a Special Forces team?  No, they are you and me, the Church.  We are regularly referred to as the elect, the chosen of God.5  We, the Church, are those who are called “Chosen and Faithful.” 6 

So we the Church, the elect, the chosen of God, are the watchmen whom Jesus has set on the walls of Jerusalem.  Obviously we cannot physically all go to Jerusalem and climb upon the remnants of the walls of Jerusalem, but we can all take our place in prayer and lift up the watchman’s cry to the Father to establish Jesus’ throne in Jerusalem,7   and for all of Israel to be saved.8

When Jesus wept over Jerusalem for their rejection of Him at His first coming, He prophesied that they would not see Him again until they welcomed Him back as Messiah and King.   Paul tells us that the current hardening of Israel towards the gospel, towards Jesus as their Messiah, is temporary.  Throughout history, there has been a trickle of Jewish believers in Jesus, often in spite of the church. But at the end of the age there will be a great awakening of Jewish hearts to Jesus.  We are already beginning to see this.  Since the early 70’s there has been a marked increase in the number of Jewish believers.  God is moving and answering the intercession of Jesus and we are called – more than called – we are mandated, appointed, set in place to join Him in intercession for the Jewish people.  We, the Chosen of God, need to step into our place on the wall of intercession and begin agreeing with the heart of Jesus for his brethren, Israel.  When the cry of the church worldwide becomes a 24/7 cry to the Father on behalf of Israel and for the return of Jesus, then what will stop Him from saying, ‘Yes, it is time.’  Is this part of what Peter referred to when he said we could hasten the time of His coming? 10

Jesus asked a question at the end of this parable on prayer.  “…when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” He is asking this question to us, the Church.  Will we believe He wants to do this? Will we believe that He will reign from Jerusalem?  Will we have the faith within our hearts to press in and keep asking Him to fulfill His Word?  To cry out day and night to the Father on behalf of the Jewish people and the glorious purposes He has in His heart for them and for us?  He is coming.  He will awaken the heart of Israel.  Will we say 'yes' to His mandate and agree with Him on this?

1 Heb 7:25

2 Jer 3:17

3 Song of Solomon 3:11

4 Luke 18:1-8

5 Mt 22:14; Mar 13:27; Rom 8:33; Col 3:12; 2Tim 2:10; Tit 1:1; 1Pet 1:1; 1Pet 2:9;Rev 17:14

6 The word translated as Elect or Chosen is ‘eklektos’ and can be rendered as either term.

7 Ps 110

8 Rom 10:1

9 Mat 23:37-39

10 2Pet 3:11


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